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Tuesday, 28 November 2017

It is great that there are so many McDonalds restaurants around the world! Wherever people go, they can look out for the  big golden arches and know that they can enjoy eating a burger, have some French fries, enjoy having a drink,  or have  some other McDonalds menu item that they enjoy eating! The red and yellow colour scheme also looks so bright! 
The colour yellow is very  sunny and warming! Seeing a yellow coloured item on a day when  we may not be feeling too good, brings encouragement  to us! Yellow daffodils trumpet a loud message to us of  hope! The warmth that comes from sunshine rays on the cold day helps both our mind and our body! Of most importance though is the Son-shine love of our Loving Lord, Who is the Son of God ❤️

Monday, 20 November 2017

I think that the saying : “ an apple a day keeps the Doctor away” is a funny saying! I can just imagine a big basket of apples, and as a doctor is nearing someone, the apples jump up and form a shield wall to prevent him coming closer! Apples are very nice to eat! They are crunchy, juicy and tasty! It is quite amazing that a big apple tree can grow from a such a little apple seed! In the same way,  one little act done in love can cause a big encouraging help in the lives of another person! As we take bites of apples, may it encourage us to “ live a life of love” 

Monday, 13 November 2017

I was thinking about hankies the other day. Hankies come in a wide variety of colours, patterns and sizes!  There are large men’s hankies, ladies hankies, hankies to put in a pocket when going to a wedding, and cute kids themed hankies also! Hankies also are used for a variety of reasons and on many different occasions! When a person is upset , they will wipe away their tears with a hankie. When they are unwell with a cold and feel sneezy, a hankie is very helpful. A hankie in the top of a pocket of a suit with by men at a wedding, is worn on a very happy occasion! 

May we always be willing to offer an “ invisible hankie made of love” to all who need each day. May we caringly have a listening ear when people need to talk. When they are upset, may the words that we say with love, help them with their tears. May we caringly support others through their ill health. And just like a hankie in the pocket of a wedding suit,  may we also share their joy through their times of special happy news. 

May our love for each other be like  a very large men’s hankie ❤️

Friday, 3 November 2017

Cockatoos are such noisy birds! They do though look very nice with their white feathers and yellow head crest ! They like to gather on electricity power lines and cheerfully “squawk”! When you  say an encouraging word to some else, “ we are not squawking”!  We are showing that we are caring about them, We all wear different colours of clothes, and usually don’t wear all white, but it is good to talk over things with our loved ones and be a listening ear. The voice of a loved one saying “ hello” , or “ I care” or “ I love you” and chatting with us,  is such a melodious tune for us to hear!