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Saturday, 11 December 2021

 My grandpa’s red roses are flowering in our side garden! They are pretty! They have grown from rose cuttings that he gave to Dad many,many years ago from his backyard. They flower each year. Dad picked some of them and put them in a vase near where i am in the living room. The scent of them is so  very beautiful! 

  A smile, an encouraging word or a caring action brings fragrance to the world, and to the daily lives of others! Sharing the Lord’s love through our words and actions is the best perfume of all! 🌹❤️

 Precious Moments art is very lovely! The artwork is calming and gentle! It can often make us smile when we look at it.  

We are precious to the Lord! He is the Good Shepherd and we are His sheep. Just as a shepherd watches and looks after their sheep,so does our loving Lord. May we rest in His love ❤️

 I often order need to order medical items from an online medical supplies store. When the items are delivered, there is always a receipt sheet of paper that lists what i bought and how they cost. The sheet though is coloured bright yellow! But that is good because you don’t  miss seeing the sheet! A yellow piece of paper stands out when opening the box of  delivered items! 

The loving Lord’s love stands out for us just like the yellow sheet! As He “ delivers” a new day by sending a sunrise,His love is constantly with us however we are feeling and whatever is happening in our lives that day. It gives yellow warmth to our spirit❤️