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Saturday, 29 December 2018

 I thought that this photo of the Fire wave in the Valley of Fire State Park in Las Vegas was  quite amazing and beautifully scenic! It looks so special! Our loving Lord has given us such special natural landscapes for us to enjoy seeing! I hadn't heard of the Fire Wave Valley before, and just happened to see a picture of it the other day on the Internet. May we give praise and thanks to our loving Creator God! ❤️

Friday, 14 December 2018

I received a Christmas card during the last week and the person who sent it hand wrote this special message on it : “ May you  have a tableful of
blessings with Jesus as the Centrepiece” I thought that was very nice! I hope that each of you have a very lovely Christmastime, resting and rejoicing in the loving care of our loving and beautiful Lord! ❤️πŸ’–πŸ’œ

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Poinsettias are very nice Christmas flowers! I was reading the other day why poinsettias are associated with Christmas. “ The  shape of the poinsettia flower and leaves are sometimes thought as a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem which led the Wise Men to Jesus. The red colored leaves symbolize the blood of Christ. The white leaves represent his purity” They such vibrant  joyful -looking flowers! May the joy of this Christmastime being encouragement to you both now and throughout all the year! ❤️πŸ’–πŸ’πŸ’›

  It will soon be Christmas Day! There will be so very, very many mince pies eaten over the next couple of  weeks! The little foil tin cases that many mince pies come in could be moulded into a suit of armour, that could then be worn if you need to go outdoors in the midst of a hailstorm! Sometimes we may feel like we are “ battling” a little bit with our health, tiredness and pain. May we remember that we have an “ armour of love” on! Love from our loving Lord Jesus, love from our loved family and friends, and love that beats from inside, as regular as a heart beat ❤️πŸ’–πŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ§‘

 I was reading something on the Internet the other  day, and the word “sublime” was used. It sounds such a grand and lofty word! It evokes pictures of whiteness and gold! It is not a word that I would use when just chatting with someone! 
The most important, most nicest and most special  words in the whole wide world are : “ I love you”! Love sustains us, encourages us, comforts us, and gives us the strength we need to face each hour and day! May we always tell out loved ones that we love  them! ❤️πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’–

 I have a feeling that Dad has done this before also!  He has been growing in little pots  zucchini plants from seeds, and now that they have started to sprout, he wanted to transfer them over from the pots  to the ground to grow. He went and did some gardening outside after tea, and I think that he must have been clearing around the area where he planted the seeds as he was using his shears also. After transplanting the zucchini plants shoots , he decided to then come indoors. But he couldn’t find his pair of shears anywhere to put  away! He searched all over the garden trying to find them! He then just had to “ give up” searching and come indoors ! The next day, he walked through our back door...and straightaway saw the shears on the pegs container! He doesn’t know why he placed them there or why he didn’t see that they were there the previous night! 
   We are always growing as we live our day by day lives in this world. However young or old we are, we are continuing to learn new things every day, and are discovering more things. Just talking to other people, keeps us growing inside. When the time comes for us to be “ transplanted” ( like zucchini plants) to our Heavenly home, we have a very loving  Gardener Heavenly Father who will so very lovingly and caringly take us to His home ❤️