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Sunday 28 June 2020

I was looking at pictures of pretty butterflies the other day, and as I looked   at them their colours  reminded me again of how beautiful they are! It is quite amazing that our loving Lord paints each one! Our loving Lord works his lovely artistic touch on each one! At the same time, His love touches our lives, and when His love mixes with inside tears that we may have due  to pain,our walk through  life becomes full of His colourful majestic touch through each day ❤️

Monday 22 June 2020

Mum has been enjoying having apricot jam on toast. As she liked it, she been having it a bit thickly on the toast. But lately her skin has been irritated. We then discovered that she was allergic to an ingredient in the jam! This was making her feel not too good! 
        Our loving beauty Lord “ spreads us thickly”  with His love every day! He cares about every part of our  life and covers it all like jam with His love. His love is a million times sweeter than jam ❤️

Thursday 18 June 2020

It was so very great when we heard news that the teen who was lost on Mt. Disappointment last week had been found! I was using my iPad when all of a sudden a news alert came over the top of the screen announcing the happy news.  People all around the country were so very glad! It really showed that people are very caring about what is happening in the lives of others, Most people didn’t know the boy, yet we were all very concerned for his welfare and so very glad and relieved when he was found! May we all  care for each other and all that their lives are holding, Knowing that others are supporting you in prayers and thoughts  gives strength in all that life is holding ❤️

Sunday 14 June 2020

This month’s picture on the Council calendar is a picture of an ice covered flower! It is completely covered in ice! It looks so very pretty! But... it makes me feel chilly when I look at it! The sun would have probably “ thawed” it out very soon though. The sun is still there on Winter days, just hiding behind clouds! Smiles are just like “ mini rays of sunshine” !πŸ˜€ They  bring warmth to all who see and receive one from another person! The person who smiles feels the warmth also! Our loving Lord sends smiles of love to us. We don’t see his smiles,but feel His warmth and love ❤️May we give smiles to others and bring warmth to their day! πŸ˜€

Friday 12 June 2020

Wintertime is here! It is a good time for eating soup,sitting near the  fireplace or heater, and reading books! We don’t experience snow where we live or have snowflakes, but pictures of snowflakes are so very pretty! Our loving Lord displays his beautiful artistry in every snowflake that falls from the sky! You are all snowflakes also! Each of you are very pretty inside, and that shines through in all you do. Just like the snowflakes, our loving Lord expressed His lovely artistry when he made you! ❤️❤️πŸ’—πŸ’•πŸ’– He cares so very, very much about you! 

      I enjoy having cornflakes for breakfast each morning. I was thinking the other day that it is not a “ fancy” breakfast cereal,BUT  there are millions of people all around the world, just like me, who enjoy eating cornflakes each day! It is like life. The most main “basic” things  in life are love and faith, and they give richness to life! They endure through hard, happy, struggling, joyful, laughter, weeping times, and the “  milk” poured on top of it of the cornflakes are the everyday little blessings that our loving Lord sends from above ❤️