This week is special Easter week when we are especially thinking of the very loving death and triumphant resurrection of our beautiful Saviour and Lord Jesus. Each day of the year though may we give heart -felt thanks to Him for what He did for us on the cross ❤️ He has died, He has risen. He will come again ❤️
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Wednesday, 5 April 2023
The Australian Grand Prix was held last weekend. I am not really “into” racing car contests, although I did enjoy watching the “ Cars” Disney movie! For the people though who enjoy watching car racing it is a fun and exciting time for them. The cars go a lot faster than the donkey who carried Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem for the loving birth of our beautiful Saviour. But what a special job that the donkey did! I can imagine that he stayed at the manger with Mary and Joseph whilst she gave birth, and would have smiled at the first loving cry from our Lord ❤️ Another donkey and her colt also had the very special privilege of carrying our Lord as He rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, as a King ❤️
People were talking on the radio the other day about girls and boys names that are popular, and orders that have now “fallen out of fashion”. Some names seem to always be popular. The top 3 boys and girls name in Australia for 2022 were Charlotte, Amelia and Olivia, and Oliver, Noah and Charles. When I was at school, I didn’t know anyone with those names…although my special teddy is called Oliver!
The most precious name ever and ever is Jesus our Loving Lord and Saviour! Just saying His Name is like saying Love! May we rest in His promise of always being with us whatever our day and life is holding ❤️
The other day, Dad bought some pretty pansies and Johnny jumpups that we have in pots on the table outside our side glass sliding window door. They are lovely to look out at see. Johnny jumpups are very tiny flowers, but are so pretty! We are just tiny people in the whole wide world but it is so very special that each of us is much loved by our loving Lord Jesus and loving Heavenly Father❤️They care about each of us💖