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Monday 30 October 2023

 Dad had quite a job last week when buying a carton of eggs at Coles! Before buying the carton of eggs, he opened it up and found that 3 of them were already cracked, with yolk running out of them! He then opened other cartons up, and found that they had broken shell eggs in them too! Eventually he found a carton with 12 full intact, unbroken eggs! Dad was also telling me the other day about a lady who he had heard speaking on the radio. She had rang the radio program to say that she had bought a carton of eggs and each one of them was a double yolk! That was quite amazing!     We are nearing Christmastime now. But each day of the year we enjoy the special significance of both Christmastime and Easter in our daily lives. Eggs are a symbol of new life, and our lives are filled with the love of our Lord as we trust and rest in Him, as day by day  we live in  and for Him. He will protect us under His wings ❤️

  Dad was so very surprised the other day to find in our backyard a pot of little “Johnny jump up” flowers that must have self sown from last year, as Dad hadn’t planted any in a pot where he found them! Johnny jump ups are very little flowers that cause much cheerfulness to everyone who sees them. Sometimes when we are in pain or feeling a little sad or tired, we need  something to “jump up” ourselves. It is very special that our loving Lord Jesus and loving Heavenly Father have given us beautiful  flowers to look at, as a reminder of their precious love ❤️

  We have been trying out all sorts of varieties of apples lately! My usual favourite is Royal Gala, but over the last weeks we have also been “testing” out Modi, Envy and Eve apples! They all have their own special taste, bite and flavour. It is quite amazing that apples are still apples but they all taste a bit different. It is just like us. We all live together in this world and have eyes, ears, nose and bodies, but we are all different. We like different things, have different things that we are good or not too good at doing, have different ways of doing things, but we have all been lovingly created by our loving Lord. Our loving Heavenly Father and loving Lord Jesus uniquely knows us, loves us and cares for us, and has a loving plan in our lives day by day ❤️

Monday 9 October 2023

  Butterflies are pretty. They are very colourful and bring touches of joy and delight when you see them. They don’t live a long life but spread beauty wherever they fly. It is special that our loving Lord knows all the days of our lives. We are secure in His loving hands. May we give out His love to others each day ❤️