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Tuesday 10 October 2017

At this time of the year, some people are enjoying making Christmas puddings, so as the pudding can then rest and mature for a little while until Christmas Day. There are lots of ingredients that can  go into Christmas puddings! There is flour, eggs, sultanas, dates, cherries, mixed peel, currants, raisins, butter, mixed spices, orange juice, apple, and other ingredients too!
Our life is a bit like a Christmas pudding. Our days are made up of a variety different things that happen through the day. Sometimes they are happy experiences, others are sadder times, there are painy and achey times, and other times funny times that make us giggle!  All these experiences are stirred together in our lives with a big mixing spoon every day. The result are very nice and special people, who each of you are!  A Christmas pudding is tasty to eat at Christmas time, but each of you brings sooo much specialness to lives of everyone that you see each day!

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