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Tuesday 3 April 2018

I was listening to the weather forecast on tv one  night a few weeks ago and the weather person told us that the next days would have temperatures ranging between 22-28. The Weather Bureau was labeling it a “ mild wave”! Not a “ heat wave” or a “ cold snap”!  
      It is encouraging when someone “waves”  their hands  at us in a friendly way! It is a little “ hello” gesture, and it is usually when someone is a little distance away and so can’t  call out an audible greeting. When we see flower petals or  leaves blowing and “ waving”  in the wind , may it remind us of our  Loving Lord who created them, and be reminded that He is watching over us, dearly loves us, and is waving to us in love in a  million ways through the day ❤️ 

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