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Friday 3 December 2021

 One day when Dad was working at the  Bank in the City, he went for a walk in the Fitzroy Gardens on his lunch break. The gardener  there was doing some pruning and throwing out some sprigs of a pretty orange plant. Dad decided to “ rescue” some of these sprigs and see they would go in our own backyard! They took so well…and we are still getting lovely orange  flowers! I have  never known though what they were called! Dad had taken a photo of them,so I put the photo into the “ plant identifier” website… and discovered that they are called “ bush lillies”!  

    I was having fun the other day with the photo of the bush lilies and applying effects to it! I like how the watercolour affect turned out! 

Our Lord is the Mighty watercolour Artist! He paints the skies each day! With each flower that blooms, we see the touch of His colourful paint brush! And He  has given us millions of colours and shades of colours to see each day! We will always praise the Master Painter!

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