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Wednesday 23 August 2023

  We usually get our groceries from Coles, but sometimes Dad goes to Woolworths to get certain items that they only stock or if there are some good specials on items. When he went last week, he said that he “couldn’t resist” buying me something that he saw whilst he was there. It is serviettes with a fairy/princess with red hair! They are so cute! I hardly want to use them! Dad said that as soon as he saw the red hair, he just had to buy them!   

   There is such a large variety of colours of hair that people have right around the world. And our hair can also become greyer or whiter as we age. Sometimes we lose all our hair also. Our loving Lord Jesus and loving Heavenly Father loves each of us, whatever our hair colour or if we do or do not have hair. I don’t really know what hairstyle or colour hair our Lord had when He lovingly walked on this Earth, but I think that little children would have found comfort in touching His hair whilst He held them in His arms❤️

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