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Monday 9 October 2017

Mum is lovely and sometimes buys me bunches of roses! They are very special for me to enjoy looking at throughout the day. I used to feel a little sad when flowers withered and looked tired. But now, I have done a complete reversal! All of a sudden, I started looking at them differently, and they are such a beautiful sight! They may be a bit tired, but the scent that they perfume the room with is very lovely! I don't know if it unusual
and it is  just the roses that Mum buys, but the scent is more nicer when they have withered than when Mum first buys them! We all get tired. We may feel a bit withered. But that is only on the outside! Our inside self is covered with beautiful petals!  And these petals come right through us and we can bring a nice scent to our loved ones and those we are in touch with each day! Thankyou so much for your special perfume and fragrance that you bring to the world! 

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