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Sunday 8 October 2017

Whilst we here in Australia are heading into warmer weather and Summertime, other people in the UK and USA will be preparing for colder Wintery weather. The world is made up of millions and billions of people, all experiencing different living situations and varying weather conditions all at the same time. Whilst it is nighttime where we live, it is bright sunny daylight in another part of the world. In the midst of it all, everyone is soooo very
special! Every one has a very special role to play in the world each day. By giving a smile to another person, you have gladdened the heart of that person  for that moment that carries on through the rest of the day. By having a chat with someone, you may never know what you have done to help someone who may have been a little bit down inside or concerned or having a not too day. You are very precious to your loved ones, both to those who remain here and also to those who have passed away.  Sending a hug  to all who needs one today ❤️and another one to keep for another  day ❤️

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