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Thursday 5 October 2017

This week Autumntime begins! The US call the season "Fall". It is best to leave the "falling" to Autumn leaves and not fall yourself!  The letters in the word Fall reflect what our lives hold. The F stands for friends and friendliness. Friends add colour to our daily lives and when we extend friendliness  to someone, it encourages both their and our own hearts. The A stands for "all the time". Love is eternal. Our love for our loved ones knows no time or limit, whether they have passed away or are  present with us. May we seek to  do  "all things" with love. The two LL 's stand for the "Loveliness of Life" May we look for the " little" blessings that our daily lives hold! Sometimes they are a little hidden and then at other times they are very open, like a beautiful rose in bloom! Happy Autumn /Fall to everyone! 

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